Diamond is always a thing to marvel, admire and wonder. Its high price makes it more valuable. Raw diamond found does not have shine and glitter. It is after various cuts that diamond gains its importance. The more cut at different angles more the diamond would shine. Due to different shapes given to diamond during cuts there are wide varieties available in it. Some are modern while some offer antique pieces. One of the antique and elegant variety if of rose cut diamonds that provide unique and exclusive jewelry for you.
Rose cut diamond jewelry consist of diamond that is flat at the bottom but has a dome that is covered with triangular shaped facets. These facets are the outer part having different geometrical shapes. This outer part can vary from circular, triangular or pear shaped. This type of jewelry is a part of antique and estate jewelry which are more prevalent in past years. Their origin seems to be in 1500’s but gained popularity after 200 years. But due to the brilliant cut of other diamonds their popularity was loosing. But again in 20th centaury, they became preferred choice for people. They are basically said to be originated in India only.
Gems and diamonds have quality of reflecting internal light to create fire and brilliance effect but this is not so with rose cut diamonds. This diamond leaks light that is they reflect light that comes around them. Because of this they are less preferred. Rose cut offers sparkles and shine without making you invest too much. This again makes them desirable.
Due to increasing charm of diamonds and gemstones, rose cut diamond jewelry is loosing its preference. You can find them in heirlooms collections or some estate ones or you may have to visit an antique dealer. If you are really in search for an exclusive rose cut piece you can search online for stores having such pieces. They are generally manufactured as replacement pieces for mending the broken pieces. Since the demand is very low, they are not manufactured as new items. Sometimes some antique jewelry lovers may order for some pieces but that is with order only. You may find some stores who also provide online services so that you can make an order online.
But still people prefer to buy these pieces because they offer unique and exclusive jewelry for you. They are antique and people like to preserve them as unique pieces find no where else. Another feature that makes them adorable is their brilliant shine due to its special nature of allowing light to pass through. Rose cut diamond jewelry offer original piece of diamond which is exclusive.
Rose cut diamond jewelry needs extra care during handling. As the diamond in them protrude out in facets form, it may be possible that facet points are destroyed during careless handling. The setting of diamond is very peculiar task requiring delicacy and concentration. Although demand has decreased but still everybody admire the beauty and exclusive style of this jewelry.
This time if you happen to think of a valuable gift for a dear one, I would suggest you to opt for rose cut jewelry once. I am sure he/she would definitely like this as they are going to have something unique and exclusive in their jewelry collection. Moreover this is the thing to pride upon as these pieces would not be available with your friends as being unique. A rose cut engagement ring would certainly be a different gift for your partner which she could keep with her for a lifetime.